Monday 10 May 2010

Vestige Park - Glasgow International 10th April - 3rd May

One of the most fascinating and enjoyable visits we had in Glasgow. On arrival, having seen the large reclaimed wooden facade, I did not know what to expect. When inside I was immediately taken in by the fantasy world they had created and felt myself getting lost in my own imagination. It was all inspired by ‘Vestiges Of The Natural History Of Creation’, which was published by an unknown scottish journalist - predating Darwin's Origin Of The Species by roughly 15 years. I imagine that this publication has remained largely unknown. The main thing that I took away from Vestige Park was the idea that an unused "wasteland" could be turned into a place with such an impact. Walking down the street you would never know what crazy things were going on inside. Being interested in transforming unused land for creative acts I was glad have to seen the park. I envisioned myself being part of the team putting it all together. For me being outside, even with the rain, would be perfect - sometimes a studio can be restrictive. Having a bit of secluded land to do as you please sounds good to me.

only a hessian sack

"Lost Property" at the college

Although my live performance is the main piece for the "Lost Property' show I spent a few hours today hanging some additional work in my studio space. Having painted all the walls a perfect gallery white I went on to mess them up again by hanging my oil ridden, ash covered work on them. Simple hanging techniques where used but it came together nicely. Using small nails I chose to display the drawings and every tool/implement used in their making. Crystalized tins, crystalized paint brushes, hand-made marking tools, a piece of hessian with a transfered "Neo-liberalism logo" and test tubes containing the tears. The layout gave an almost "museum exhibit" feel. The viewer may feel as if they where looking at some priceless ancient crafting tools. I also chose to display a piece of writing which i did, it is written from the point of view of the hessian sack which masks my own head. This creative writing adds another dimension to the work as a whole. This small exhibition and my live performance will successfully work hand-in-hand.